One of the biggest ways I see people shoot themselves in the foot when trying to lose weight is with breakfast, after all…

We’ve been brainwashed for YEARS being told that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”...

When that’s totally not true!

Instead, there’s a simple “metabolism morning detox” trick you can do so your body FEEDS on your stored body fat for fuel first thing in the morning…

So, you could have a big bowl of cereal, or a thick bagel with cream cheese and have your body storing fat for the rest of the day…

Or you can easily reprogram your body to take the frustrating fat from your belly, love handles, and thighs…

And burn that off for energy first thing in the morning, so you feel lighter and leaner every single day without even exercising…

In fact, a woman in Georgia did just that and dropped 16 pounds in just 2 weeks…

And 110 pounds overall!

The crazy thing is, the older you are the FASTER this works.

Hope this helps!

If you’re super busy and don’t have a lot of time to spare, and…
You have more fat around your belly than you’d like…
Make sure to have at least one tbsp. of this every day to burn more fat even if you never exercise.

And how you should eat at least 1 tbsp. first thing in the morning to burn more fat...
Now, I don’t want to get too deep into the science, but here’s why it works so well…
You see, this “flat belly oil” is made up of almost entirely Medium Chain Fatty Acids, which are metabolized differently in your body that everything else
Which means they’re sent straight to your liver from the digestive tract, to be used for energy almost instantly...
And that’s GREAT because:

  • It’s NOT stored as fat on your body
  • It gives you a boost of “instant energy”
  • And it FIRES UP your metabolism, so you burn more calories throughout the day

And it’s the key to this morning “DEEP detox” trick that allows you to burn almost a pound a day…
Week after week without fail.
Just make sure to have some first thing in the morning to burn more belly fat throughout the day without exercise…
Hope this helps!

Aside from scorching handfuls of unwanted fat…

There are many other benefits known to come with a ketogenic diet.

9 of which I’ll be sharing with you today.

So, with no further ado, grab your swimming suit and let’s dive right in:

> Benefit #1 – Lowers blood pressure

> Benefit #2 – Reduces dandruff and flaky skin

> Benefit #3 – Clears acne and gives skin a natural glow

> Benefit #4 – Improves mental focus

> Benefit #5 – Cuts down cravings

> Benefit #6 – Increases sleep quality

> Benefit #7 – Helps fight against type-2 diabetes

> Benefit #8 – Decreases anxiety and depression

> Benefit #9 – Boosts energy

However, the main benefit that tugs a lot of people to a ketogenic lifestyle is fast weight loss.

And for good reason, too.

Getting your body into a state of ketosis has been scientifically proven to boost metabolism and zap fat
from around your hips, legs, and waist in half the time of most diets.

I explain the full ins and outs of ketosis (and how you can exploit it for maximum weight loss) in The 28 Day Keto Challenge

In addition to delving into the science behind this, I also provide a simple 28-day diet plan which has helped thousands of my clients achieve rapid results and amazing body transformations
without counting calories, carbs or eating yucky foods.

Take Tara, for example.

Here’s what she had to say about The 28 Day Keto Challenge


Dear Jackie,

I lost 8 pounds in my first week. It's my 13th day and I have followed the meal plan food for food as you
suggested. After 7 years of struggling with my weight and frustrated with diets, the fat is finally coming off.

I really can't believe it!

- Tara G.


To see how my easy-to-implement diet plan is helping Tara and countless other women burn up to 21 pounds
of stubborn fat (sometimes MUCH more) in just 4 measly weeks, click here

Soup OFF 5lbs A Week With The Flat Belly Detox

”Live Longer” Soup Melts Up To 5lbs a Week

One simple thing that helps you lose weight quickly is eating more...
Any yet, so many people forget about it and suffer eating chicken and bland
veggies every night, however the truth is...
As it gets colder outside…
Nothing feels better than warming with a big bowl of soup that also helps
shrink your waistline at the same time.
Now, you definitely don’t want to order soup when you’re out at a
restaurant, because...
They add flour and other fattening ingredients to thicken it up :(
The good news is...
There’s this NEW super-slimming soup you can make right at home in just
a few minutes that will help you lose weight even if you never exercise.
An overweight husband from Georgia used it to drop over 100 pounds after
feeling depressed for years while being bullied as a kid because of his
weight (his words not mine)...
Since it helped him so quickly, I wanted to pass it along to you if you’re

Hope you like it!

New Research Shows that This Simple 14 Day Plan Burns 8 to 16 Pounds of Fat.

People who are overweight are up to 12 times more likely to develop diabetes.

Think about that.

If you don’t face up to your excess body fat, you’re walking around with a time bomb ticking in your body, just waiting to explode and ruin your life.

And diabetes isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Excess body fat can cause:

  • Aching joints, back pain, headaches, and more. Getting up in the morning is a painful experience, and the pain can last all day.
  • Chronic fatigue and exhaustion that makes it difficult to enjoy life. Worse yet, many people have trouble falling asleep as well.
  • Severe illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, depression, and even brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

I know how hard it is to break the cycle.

I was overweight for a long time.

Heck, let’s just face it: I was obese.

People gave me looks in the grocery store like I was some evil person. Even when I was picking up healthy food items, they stared me down.

People thought I had given up.

But really I was trying everything I could think of to lose weight! For some people, it’s just a lot tougher than people realize.

I tried hundreds of diets, and some of them worked… but the fat just came back after a few weeks. Even when I ate all-natural foods, I couldn’t shed the pounds.

I was exercising like you wouldn’t believe, sometimes for two hours a day. (As it turns out, exercising too much was one of my biggest problems!)

I felt terrible. I was in pain all the time. Getting out of bed took special effort.

But I was determined to find the solution I needed.

Finally, I did.

Your body does two things really well:

  1. Create body fat.
  2. Burn body fat.

If you’re like me, it seems like Step #1 is a lot easier.

But it turns out that your body is designed to burn fat… under the right conditions.

The only problem is that most of us spend 20 hours a day creating fat!

Think about that for a minute.

20 hours a day creating fat.

Only 4 hours burning fat.

You don’t have to be good at math to know that’s a bad ratio.

In nature, we’re supposed to spend a lot more time burning fat, but the modern world has made that much more difficult for our bodies.

Once I figured that out, I decided to create a system that will put my body into fat-burning mode more often, and here’s what happened:

  • First, I flushed out my body and cleansed it to make way for the healthy nutrition that was going to take over.
  • Then, I shifted my body into fat-burning mode for 3 times as many hours as before. I went from 4 hours of fat-burning to 12 hours, and it completely obliterated the fat.
  • Finally, I wrote down all my strategies and shared it with my friends and family… and they burned 8-16 pounds in just 2 weeks.

Now, I’m no longer at risk of diabetes, and I’ve never looked better!

No More Prescription Drugs.

The cost of prescriptions only continues to rise in this country.

Month after month, we spend hundreds of dollars just to stay alive.

But many Americans are finally ditching the prescriptions and staying healthy the natural way…by burning fat.

No more prescription drug costs. No more liver damage and absurd side-effects caused by pills.

Saving that kind of money alone is worth the effort…

Not to mention escaping victimization by pharmaceutical companies.

Plus…of course, the great new body.

2 Weeks. 3 Phases. Up to 16 Pounds.

Some people I know have lost 16 pounds in just 2 weeks using this system I created.

And seriously… it’s the easiest program I’ve ever seen.

I’ve tried tons of diets myself, and this is by fat the easiest diet ever... in fact, it’s the most fun.

(Who wouldn’t be excited about losing one pound a day?)

The program is broken down into three phases, but it’s Phase 2 that really blows people’s minds. Some people lose up to 3 pounds in one day.

Really. No, really. That’s happening.

Now, of course you can’t sustain 3 pounds a day for too long. It just wouldn’t be healthy.

But experiencing that difference is life-giving, pure and simple!

And if you like coffee, this program just got even easier.

Losing Weight Is Everything. It’s Freedom.

For me, losing weight meant more than looking good at the family barbecue.

It was my life.

It was my freedom.

I could finally run around with the kids and play sports with them.

I could run on the beach without a trace of self-consciousness. I could sprint through the airport and know that I was going to catch my flight. My life was taking off.

I didn’t wake up feeling sluggish and exhausted before the day even began.

I wasn’t walking around with pain in my back and legs all the time.

In every way you could imagine, I was finally free.

So I decided to share these strategies with every person I possibly could.

I Need Your Help.

Burning 8 to 16 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks is simply incredible.

But in order to share this information with everyone who wants it, I had do a few things first.

  1. I had to hire someone who could put it all together in an easy-to-follow eBook.
  2. Then I had to pay a web designer to create a website for the program.
  3. Finally, I had to spend money on things like web hosting and data services (very boring but very important).

I’ve spent thousands and thousands doing all of this.

But I’ve done it because it’s the right thing to do.

In exchange, I’m asking for your help keeping this thing alive.

Get the Body You Want and Burn 8 to 16 Pounds In Just 2 Weeks.

I want you to experience the same transformation I did.

That’s why I’m practically giving this book away at the bare minimum price.

It’s just enough to cover my expenses and share this solution with all the people who have been asking me for it.

But just a word of warning:

My costs keep going up.

The services I have to pay for to keep this program online get more expensive every month.

If you own a business or a boat, you already know what I’m talking about. Sometimes it just feels like a hole you throw money down.

So by this time next week, I’ll have to raise the price in order to make ends meet.

If you’re curious about this diet program, I strongly recommend that you check it out now, before my expenses force me to raise the price.